Time, Patience and Persistence

It takes time for one to succeed in one’s mission in life. Whether it is education, career, family, personal life or any other aspect of life, it takes patience and persistence to live life fully, peacefully and contently.

Even if we were to take career for instance, we sometimes run after every shiny thing on the way only to finally get  disappointed. Long-term and near-term goals conflict with each other many a times and this can lead to disheartenment and despondency if either of the two or both goals are not met in life. However, the trick is to take courage, take heart, take a deep breath and start once again.

It took 1000 experiments for Edison to invent the ‘electric-bulb’ which changed humanity forever. So, such lessons are important to remember. This is not to say that everyone will become the biggest inventor in life, it is only to show that patience is a virtue which everyone should practice in life. Also one should know the art of embracing failure (not to accept defeat) and not be afraid of it, after all if ‘Edison’ had accepted failure the ‘electric-bulb’ would not have seen the light of the day and we humans would not have been able to see as clearly at night. So, thanks to the “victory of ‘failure’ “. ( Oh! That’s an oxymoron!)

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